Saturday, September 21, 2013

Peradeniya Botanic Gardens

These gardens near Kandy are amazing. You walk through super-manicured gardens and then you go through cool, wild patches of trees and ferns. There were a few palms that must have had 1000 bats hanging in them (they have huge fruit bats here, the size of small monkeys). We saw a bunch of toque macaque monkeys (known as රිළවා in Sinhala, they're endemic to Sri Lanka and endangered). Loie loved them.

It seems like the gardens are a popular place for weddings. This is my chance to show you the traditional wedding outfits in Sri Lanka:

This guy asked whether he could take a photo of his wife with the kids and then he jumped in for a photo too. As he walked away he said "America is the best country! Barack Obama!"

Giant Java Fig Tree

Giant Java Fig at the center of the garden

They love this guy here!

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